The video was taking to long it will be up tomorrow! But enjoy the audio of Sir Lord Mustachion reading T'was the night before Christmas.Just hit play it may take a few seconds to load..
I hope you all enjoy my thoughts and theories thank you for reading!
About Me

- T.S. Graham
- I'm in my third year of college and I have no direction! I also have found if I use my first name initial and my middle initial then my full last name people think I'm a literary genius.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
The Question: Peak of Moral Decline?
I want to start proposing some thought provoking questions on this blog in hope to spawn some threads and debating.
So here are a few easy teasers in hope to get brains started.
Do you believe all sins are equal? If so why do you think so, if not why not? Do all humans sin? why or why not? Now continue reading, and answer these questions if possible.
Every year you hear the statement the world is getting worse and worse to live in, or the world we live in now, isn't as morally sound as it use to be.
First question, do you honestly believe the world is worse off then it was 50 years ago? If so why, if not then why?
Now if you believe that the world is on a steady decline morally, or that it is at a peak of moral decline.
How can you justify a peak of moral decline if all humans sin and if all sins are equal. Can there actually be a peak in moral decline, if humans have always sinned, and if one sin is no greater than the other. Where is the peak, and how did we reach a peak of moral decline, if humans have been committing sins, since the fall?
So here are a few easy teasers in hope to get brains started.
Do you believe all sins are equal? If so why do you think so, if not why not? Do all humans sin? why or why not? Now continue reading, and answer these questions if possible.
Every year you hear the statement the world is getting worse and worse to live in, or the world we live in now, isn't as morally sound as it use to be.
First question, do you honestly believe the world is worse off then it was 50 years ago? If so why, if not then why?
Now if you believe that the world is on a steady decline morally, or that it is at a peak of moral decline.
How can you justify a peak of moral decline if all humans sin and if all sins are equal. Can there actually be a peak in moral decline, if humans have always sinned, and if one sin is no greater than the other. Where is the peak, and how did we reach a peak of moral decline, if humans have been committing sins, since the fall?
Monday, December 21, 2009
Film History or Just Commercial Whoring: A Review of Avatar

I write this review after letting James Cameron's Avatar sink into my brain for 24 hours. I ended up catching the film in 2D, I will be taking another trip to see it in the 3D I-Max experience. For months the media of Hollywood has been promoting and advertising James Cameron's Avatar, as the film to change all films, and the next Star Wars; which are bold statements for a director or a studio house to make about their film that no one had any clue what it was about but James Cameron. So the real question on everyone's mind is, "Did Avatar live up to the hype?" and the answer is clearly no. Avatar opens up with some stunning visuals and a dark journal log placed over the beautiful CGI work. The journal starts to give some nice dark background story but instantly the film shifts. Avatar tells the story of an ex-marine thrown back into the war in Pandora over land and a metal. In short what you think happens, happens with the plot, love, war, twist of sides. Now I give so much props to James Cameron for the beautiful universe he has set his story in, over time Hollywood has strayed from original ideas and just plays with remakes, and novels; so in that since James Cameron I bow to you. When a man spends months and money building his own language for his creatures to use, then he deserves some props. Also the visual effects are stunning like promoted throughout the years, but groundbreaking? No. We all have seen as my friend Mike Brinker says " Photo Realistic CGI", if there is something groundbreaking about this film; it is the fact we now know we can build whole CGI worlds and place humans in it and it not look like CHEESE MASTER. But beyond the beautiful world, creatures, and religion James Cameron's has created Avatar has nothing to offer. The characters that inhabit the world of Avatar seem to just be colorful cardboard cutouts placed in this stunning new world. After leaving the theater I was struggling to remember the main characters name and I can't even remember the Generals name. What Avatar lacked was character depth and developments, it's one thing to keep your characters story partially hidden or even spotty, but these characters seemed to not have any depth, just no foundation. Now could this be fixed in sequels and prequels, maybe? But I don't see the sequels being promising, in Avatar there is no lurking constant dark evil, like the Empire or Darth Vader was to Star Wars. It seems that all Avatar could be is just a repeat of the first, humans are evil and want the metal on Pandora and they fight. But if you are looking for a fun adventure movie for the holidays, Avatar will provide that for you. Seeing James Cameron's new universe is worth the money and the time to see the film. But if your hoping for a 1977 groundbreaking Star Wars experience you will be let down.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
15 Greatest robots/cyborgs in Film/TV
We all have watched a movie or T.V. program who a robot has been seen or played a character in the script, or even been the main character. After main hours of debating and coming up with mathematics equations I believe I have posted my top 15 favorite robots seen throughout film and T.V.
15. Sentinel(x-men)
These giant robots were mainly a giant mindless neanderthal to the x-men team, and really never posed a huge threat. But not only are they GINORMOUS, they can FLY, and SHOOT LASERS OUT OF THEIR EYES. SCORE!
14.Model B-9 Environmental Control Robot (LOST IN SPACE)
The B-9 was the protector of the Robinson family in the T.V. show Lost in Space, some good say he was also in the Lost in Space Movie but I choose to forgot that blemish of a fantastic franchise. B-9 came eqiped with beeps and blips, super robot strength and futuristic weapons; as well as a radar that would alarm Will Robinson that danger was quickly approaching. I mean honestly we all could use a B-9 in our lives.
13.Bender Bending Rodriguez (Futurama)
Coming in at number 14 is our favorite wise guy robot created by the brilliant minds of Futurama. Bender is the chain smoking, raging alcoholic, built by Mexican hands anti hero of the comedic cartoon. If he isn't swearing, drinking, or smoking, he is most likely hating on non-robots or causing trouble; well most likely he does all that while smoking and drinking. And that is why he comes in at number 14 on our robot list.
12. Data (Star Trek Next Generations)
Data is considered an Android who tags along with the great Captain Picard on the Enterprise, he really is just an encyclopedia for the crew and just an endless plethora of knowledge. Data often struggles to see human emotion and tries to understand which the great Captain tries to show him and teach him their emotions. Pretty much Data is crazy awesome cause he has YELLOW EYES.
11. Ash (Alien)
Ash is the android in the film Alien that screws the whole ship over and makes Ripley hate androids, all because of his secret mission to bring the Alien back to be studied. Oh wait you haven't seen the movie yet? Well I dont care, because you obviously oblivious to the whole world and film making, so sorry that you have spent your days living as a hermit on the outskirts of Tatooine. Ash is pretty much a cruel prick who deserves what he gets in the film, and just the fact he has machine coolant for blood is awesome!
10. Mobile Suit Gundam
Say what you want, I believe they are more then just vehicles, because they have minds of their own, see the end of endless waltz true fact, WING ZERO has a brain. These guys are made up a new type of metal which is pretty much the toughest stuff ever known and if you have a real GUNDAM you are a master pilot and crazy awesome, with 50cal guns on their heads, beam swords, and lazer rifles, crazy whips, and huges chain guns for arms, these machines are pretty pretty pretty BAD ACE.
9.Mega Man
Although he is a child you still don't want to mess with this robot, he will shoot you with a plasma cannon, and then still your power! There is nothing more demoralizing then getting killed by a prepubescent robot and then getting your power of shooting scissors out of your arm stolen.
10. Gort (The Day the Earth Stood Still)
Well for those of you that wasted your time seeing the remake I am sorry, but the robot of Gort still was pretty pretty pretty cool, even in the original Gort was quite the robot. Gort is a huge robot that vaporizes weapons, and well, in the remake releases nano things to eat the earth. So I pretty sure he is awesome CAUSE HE CAN'T BE STOPPED!!!!!!
8. Transformers
Even Micheal Bay turned these guys into a blockbuster of explosions, transformers was still rockin the television shows and comics. These robots not only pack some heavy fire power, they can transform into anything they want a car, a truck, a tank, a gun, a shank, or a tuna sandwich. Plus they had some awesome CATCH PHRASES, AUTOBOTS ROLL OUT.
7. Robo Cop
One of my favorite Crime Fighters as a child, a once human killed and rebuilt as the perfect cop. Robo Cop, had comics, tv shows, and movies, all depict him as a robot who hates crime and uses BIG GUNS to stop it. Looking back on the movies and comics, he is quite violent and I wonder if it has affected me as an adult? Mainly I WANT THE AUTO 9.
6. Tom Servo, Crow T. Robot, Cam-Bot, and Gypsy (mystery science theater 3000)
These robots helped provide me with endless pop culture references as I would watch crap science fiction movies, so really they were killers or crazy, they just gave people hours and hours of entertainment.
5. The Sentinels (The Matrix)
Not only did these octopus looking robots look SWEET they also were the most feared thing in the land of the Matrix trilogy. These guys want nothing but to kill all the humans, and they do a PRETTY PRETTY GOOD JOB AT IT. To bad after the first Matrix the other 2 didn't live up.
4. The Terminator (T-800 or 101)
Now this is where it became so hard for me to deiced the last few robots. I placed the T-800 in fourth because, it was an amazing design and character fathered by James Cameron. In the T-800 we see almost everything we as humans fear technology to become. That one day it will be so smart it will take over the world. So I place the T-800 in 4th because, well it's amazing but not the best.
3. R2-D2
Yes, R2-D2 is in third please send me all the hate mail you want! I placed with little astromech droid, is the face of all robots, it hails from the worlds most well known franchise in film history which made me place him up in the top ranks of this system. R2-D2 is not only capable of hacking into main frames and shutting down garbage dumps in detention blocks, but he has some handy gadgets and a spunky little attitude. He has rockets to make him fly, he has a projector you can watch movies on, a cattle prod, and a spring load lightsaber launcher, and who doesn't want that in their droid.
2. The Borg (star trek)
Number 2 is finally here! The borg, the only race that still scares me from my childhood. I remember watching the next generation and hiding my face under blankets when the borgs would appear in an episode. The borg are a cybernetic race that live in hives and will take humans and turn them into mindless cyborg warriors; in short. I believe what makes them so scary is that another fear of the human race is for robotics to consume us so much that we lose ourselves and become slaves to the technology, thus we become the borgs. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE
1. Terminator (T-1000)
Now I may get hated on for having this robot number one but, the T-1000 is taking the character of the T-800 and then making it even more hardcore! The T-1000 which is found in Terminator 2 is a robot sent to kill John Connor, and it has some more tricks then the T-800. The T-1000 is a liquid metal, it can take on any shape, it wants. Like replicate a human or turn its arm into a blade, or make his hand into a blender. The T-1000 doesn't reflect bullets it absorbs them like he is pudding. Although the T-1000 ultimately meets its doom, it still is the greats robot known to film.
15. Sentinel(x-men)

14.Model B-9 Environmental Control Robot (LOST IN SPACE)

13.Bender Bending Rodriguez (Futurama)

12. Data (Star Trek Next Generations)

11. Ash (Alien)

10. Mobile Suit Gundam

9.Mega Man

10. Gort (The Day the Earth Stood Still)

8. Transformers

7. Robo Cop

6. Tom Servo, Crow T. Robot, Cam-Bot, and Gypsy (mystery science theater 3000)

5. The Sentinels (The Matrix)

4. The Terminator (T-800 or 101)

3. R2-D2

2. The Borg (star trek)

Number 2 is finally here! The borg, the only race that still scares me from my childhood. I remember watching the next generation and hiding my face under blankets when the borgs would appear in an episode. The borg are a cybernetic race that live in hives and will take humans and turn them into mindless cyborg warriors; in short. I believe what makes them so scary is that another fear of the human race is for robotics to consume us so much that we lose ourselves and become slaves to the technology, thus we become the borgs. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE
1. Terminator (T-1000)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
What makes you happy?
As humans certain things can make us happy/sad, just seeing a flash of color or hearing the downbeat to a tune playing through some near by speakers can bring back a memory, or bring out a certain emotion. What is the first thing that comes to you mind when you think of happiness? It could be a song, a painting, a person, play or thing, a noun, verb, adjective, or a fantasy(appropriate of course). What as a human makes you happy, and why do you think it makes you happy?
Monday, November 23, 2009
Butchering the Anthem
Today as I was "Digging" I struck this video of a teen girl just ruining our National Anthem; although the video is extremely funny. It does make me upset the school faculty let this girl ruin our National Anthem to this extreme I thought Americans had more pride in their country then this...........
EMBED-National Anthem Destroyed - Watch more free videos
EMBED-National Anthem Destroyed - Watch more free videos
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Is Society Crumbling or has it Always Been This Bad?
Discussion: Read following article and reply
Now Michigan has fallen on some tough times, jobs are being lost and not found at an alarming rate, and people are being driven to do some outlandish things. But this recent slaughtering of a 15 year old son by his father, makes me sick. Hearing that a father took his son, and executed him should make anyone sick. Now details are not know to why the father of this boy decided to take his sons life, but no matter what the reason he didnt deserve that. It seems that every day we grow closer and closer to seeing a society dissolving back to dragging knuckles on the ground, and killing just to kill. Are we witnessing Humanity perform a full circle to what humanity faced before the flood? It seems that our society has lost touch with the words love, respect, and guidance. Has Society always been this bad or are we seeing the crumbling of us all? How can we pull out of it, will humans ever have a call to arms and fight the crumbling and corruptness of our society?
Now Michigan has fallen on some tough times, jobs are being lost and not found at an alarming rate, and people are being driven to do some outlandish things. But this recent slaughtering of a 15 year old son by his father, makes me sick. Hearing that a father took his son, and executed him should make anyone sick. Now details are not know to why the father of this boy decided to take his sons life, but no matter what the reason he didnt deserve that. It seems that every day we grow closer and closer to seeing a society dissolving back to dragging knuckles on the ground, and killing just to kill. Are we witnessing Humanity perform a full circle to what humanity faced before the flood? It seems that our society has lost touch with the words love, respect, and guidance. Has Society always been this bad or are we seeing the crumbling of us all? How can we pull out of it, will humans ever have a call to arms and fight the crumbling and corruptness of our society?
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Live Long
Ah it feels good to be back in the reigns of the Ant Farm, Vacation was nice. Many things were contemplated over the week long trip. I hope to have many new discussions on music, love, life, and God up very soon...
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Our Walk
So right now I'm living life on the dangerous side, while driving I am e-mailing my blog right now from my phone! People may die, it happens. This morning I woke up from a great night sleep and was struck by the what the Lord has been hitting my heart with on a daily basis. HE LOVES US! This amazing all knowing all powerful all loving God Loves us! How amazing, no matter what we have done or done the Father still Loves us. Through our sins and faults God still is there calling us back to his arms, to repent and take up your cross and finish the race you started. Even when you are thrown into a cave of dispare and sin, God still is calling out to you and if you finally climb out and fall back in he still is there loving you! Ah how amazing is this thought. There is one person who will never leave you the almighty! Amen have a great day!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Monday, October 26, 2009
Who Says? I say John Mayer what the FRICK!
So John Mayer released his new single Who Says, off his new album Battle Studies. I was so excited to his new tune, because I heard the Trio was playing with him on the album(which I love). But I was severely disappointed, form the start of the music video I was puzzled. Is John Mayer a New York Hipster Now? I was so saddened by the first 18 seconds the camera just showing him living this "hipster" lifestyle I almost cried, but then I did. The chords start "oh wait I thought this is cool." but that was quickly followed by me humming "Stop this Train" a song that was on his last studio album. I quickly found out that the two songs share similar features, which just sunk me into a deeper state of depression. Next I started to listen to the lyrics, which the meaning to them have grown on me, I like the mindset of it's my life I'm going to live it how I want. But I struggle by the means he used to convey that. Oh John I just hope the rest of the album gets better as she goes. I posted the video blow check it tell me what you think. Actually I prefer the bottom one.
Paranormal Activity
Well how should I say this? I still have goosebumps. I am a huge fan of the horror suspense film genre, there is nothing like a good scary. But recently Hollywood has produced duds or just gore-por films. Which I'm not a fan of, I believe the last time I was scared from a movie was from watching "The Creature from the Black lagoon" when i was 5. But the last time I was scarred from a movie was Saw 1 which I am a die hard lover of Saw 1. Anyways back to the task at hand.
Paranormal Activity is the closest I have ever been to freaking out in a movie. Just standing in line I was getting chills watching grown me leaving the theater in shock, or in tears; not to mention what distraught most females where in. To be honest I wasn't falling for the hype, I was expecting some jumps and that's it, for PETE SAKE the budget was $11,000. Well I was blown away at the story and scares this young film maker produced. The movie gives a great background and a necessary one for both characters painting a beautiful flaw the girlfriend has. Which is she has had a demon haunting her, her whole life. Well her boyfriend decides he wants to play with it and video tape it. For the next week we see different hauntings unfold through the movie gradually getting worse and worse. These haunting are bone chilling for someone like me. I believe in demons and possession, which just made it all real to me. In theater I was questioning the whole time how with only $11,000 did they make that door move, how did that happen. The film maker does just an excellent job providing thrills and puzzling situations. Ultimately the end is what got me, how it haunts you and just makes you so uneasy to walk into your dark house that night. For those who are hearing mixed reviews on this film, fall into the hype go see it, be open minded and dont just say to yourself this movie wont scare you. Just let the fact of this movie made with $11,000 could possibly be one of the most bone chilling movies of all time.
Paranormal Activity is the closest I have ever been to freaking out in a movie. Just standing in line I was getting chills watching grown me leaving the theater in shock, or in tears; not to mention what distraught most females where in. To be honest I wasn't falling for the hype, I was expecting some jumps and that's it, for PETE SAKE the budget was $11,000. Well I was blown away at the story and scares this young film maker produced. The movie gives a great background and a necessary one for both characters painting a beautiful flaw the girlfriend has. Which is she has had a demon haunting her, her whole life. Well her boyfriend decides he wants to play with it and video tape it. For the next week we see different hauntings unfold through the movie gradually getting worse and worse. These haunting are bone chilling for someone like me. I believe in demons and possession, which just made it all real to me. In theater I was questioning the whole time how with only $11,000 did they make that door move, how did that happen. The film maker does just an excellent job providing thrills and puzzling situations. Ultimately the end is what got me, how it haunts you and just makes you so uneasy to walk into your dark house that night. For those who are hearing mixed reviews on this film, fall into the hype go see it, be open minded and dont just say to yourself this movie wont scare you. Just let the fact of this movie made with $11,000 could possibly be one of the most bone chilling movies of all time.
Michigan has a City in the top 10 Scary Halloween City Names
Michael Guglielmucci, many Christians know this man by name, either through his songs with the well known worship band Hillsong or through the recent heart breaking news of his addiction to porn. I know I'm behind on the times but God really has touched my heart with this matter. For those of you that don't know Michael was a worship pastor who we believed was growing sick from cancer, and he showed signs loss of weight, loss of hair and at one point he was on an oxygen tank. Towards the end of this calamity Michael wrote a song entitled Healer, which made millions of dollars and sent their record sky rocketing, because Christians believe this man was dying of cancer and this was his song. Soon Michael came forth and out of the blue said his cancer sickness was a lie and he had been addicted to porn from early adult hood. Christians were in an outrage that this worship pastor had lied to them and wanted their money back from the false hood of this song they bought. But I guess I see this subject differently. Why are Christians up in arms over this have you never lied? Yes this was a lie that made millions, but all lies are of equal value. Instead of bashing and slamming this struggling Christian, Christians should of been more in touch with this song, and uplifting this struggling man. Is that not what Christ would have done. We should be weeping over this man, and praying daily for his recovery. Porn addiction owns so many males and females hearts, why should we be bashing this brother we should empower him through Christ uplift him, and this song should bring even a great meaning to our hearts. I believe that Michael Guglielmucci is a hero yes he lied, but he came out of it and admitted it to the whole world and his family. We all should take a page from Michael Guglielmucci's book, release that strain and weight that is laying on your heart and offer it to God for your recovery.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Are we actually doing our jobs?
As Christians we should be the hands and feet of Christ spreading the gospel message to the corners of the Earth. In recent months I have come to many cross roads in my life, like more humans come to christian or non-christian; whether it be career choices, relationships, faith, and Church.
My issue is with the word Denomination. Denomination is a religious group that includes local churches often times larger then a sect. So under the umbrella of the Christian religion we have several sects or denominations such as; Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, Pentecostal ect. ect. Each denomination shares a connection to the Christian religion through various pipelines.
My struggle has come the fact that we supposed to be the hands and feet of Christ we as Christians are the church body, we are suppose to work as one body, in perfect harmony to lift the name of CHRIST HIGH! But how do we do this? Take a look in the city in which you live in, you will see several churches of different denominations of the Christian religion scattered throughout the city or maybe there maybe three churches right in a row, just drawing a different crowd every Sunday.
My problem and something I just can't wrap my head around are the 'three churches sitting in a row' these three churches like in most cities probably have very little to do with each other outside of the fact the probably worship Jesus. Why when three churches sit right in a row, are they not actively working as one to reach their lost city? Why can, or why do denominations hinder the church more then help, why on any given sunday those three churches in a row will not speak share or even try to organize a group to work together to advance the kingdom of heaven. Why do we feel we can only do that within our set denominations? Why don't we hear of a Baptist, Lutheran church working together by setting aside some of their petty arguments or disagreements and focus on what we are all sent here to do?
This question has weighed my heart down for months, how can I figure out a way to some how show the churches in my community it is alright to work together? Why can't we do what Christ asked and stop trying lift ourselves up or our churches and lift HIS NAME UP?
When we stop relying on a Denomination and start relying on God and our work with our other Brothers and Sisters in Christ. When will man stop getting involved in Gods' plan and putting his own twist on it?
My issue is with the word Denomination. Denomination is a religious group that includes local churches often times larger then a sect. So under the umbrella of the Christian religion we have several sects or denominations such as; Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, Pentecostal ect. ect. Each denomination shares a connection to the Christian religion through various pipelines.
My struggle has come the fact that we supposed to be the hands and feet of Christ we as Christians are the church body, we are suppose to work as one body, in perfect harmony to lift the name of CHRIST HIGH! But how do we do this? Take a look in the city in which you live in, you will see several churches of different denominations of the Christian religion scattered throughout the city or maybe there maybe three churches right in a row, just drawing a different crowd every Sunday.
My problem and something I just can't wrap my head around are the 'three churches sitting in a row' these three churches like in most cities probably have very little to do with each other outside of the fact the probably worship Jesus. Why when three churches sit right in a row, are they not actively working as one to reach their lost city? Why can, or why do denominations hinder the church more then help, why on any given sunday those three churches in a row will not speak share or even try to organize a group to work together to advance the kingdom of heaven. Why do we feel we can only do that within our set denominations? Why don't we hear of a Baptist, Lutheran church working together by setting aside some of their petty arguments or disagreements and focus on what we are all sent here to do?
This question has weighed my heart down for months, how can I figure out a way to some how show the churches in my community it is alright to work together? Why can't we do what Christ asked and stop trying lift ourselves up or our churches and lift HIS NAME UP?
When we stop relying on a Denomination and start relying on God and our work with our other Brothers and Sisters in Christ. When will man stop getting involved in Gods' plan and putting his own twist on it?
Friday, August 7, 2009
G.I.Joe Review
G.I. Joe: The Rise of the Cobra
Directed by: Stephen Sommers(The Mummy 1&2)
G.I. Joe: The Rise of the Cobra was suppose to be a thrill ride of excitement filled of action and set the stage for a few sequels to pop out after. But all we received was tons of CGJ action, stiff acting performances and as generic as generic can be in an action script just with G.I. Joe Character names. Well at least we received the years funniest comedy.
G.I. Joe opens in France 1694 which made me confused and wondering "Am I screening the right Film?" We see a Scottish man being held accountable for a crime of double dealing in selling arms, and the French with horrible accents are making him pay for his trickery, by wielding a metal mask on his face that he must wear for the rest of his life. Then the movie flashes forward with the words "IN THE NOT SO DISTANT FUTURE" making me think "Wait not so distant future from France 1694 or our current time so lost, oh wait cool buildings and taxi's must be NOT SO DISTANT FUTURE for our time." Already this opening scene of "here is some cool back story" has failed miserably and just makes you feel confused.
In this NOT SO DISTANT FUTURE, leading arms maker James McCullen (cough cough) played by Christopher Eccleston has made a new weapon "nanotechnology" which when deployed could take down a whole city by eating metal and as far as I could tell anything it touches. He sells these war heads to NATO, "why they want them I have no clue?" But this is where we meet Duke (Channing Tatum) and Ripchord (Marlon Waynes).
As these two combat ready soldiers take the war heads to NATO they are attacked by the Baroness (Sienna Miller) and a fight scene takes place with hummers blowing up and the Baroness side taking names over Duke and Ripchord due to their advanced weaponry (cough cough). Finally this other unnamed group shows up to save Duke and Ripchord leading us to find out there is a secert team made up of the best of the best soldiers from all countries G.I. Joes.
When then finally get to meet Hawk (Dennis Quaid) which I was hoping would start some spark in the mediocre acting at best, but well it just made it worse. With Quaid adding a stiff, stiff performance making the scenes almost comically, especially the scene where Quaid forcefully threw in the motto of "Knowing is half the battle".
The Rise of the Cobra continues to drag on for 2 hours and 10 miens, the whole time you find yourself laughing at the ridged dialog, shotty special effects, and OVER THE TOP GENERIC PLOT TWIST;which all can be solved with in the first 20 minutes.
The acting throughout The Rise of the Cobra is pitiful and you find yourself laughing at the most serious of scenes. Channing Tatum who plays Duke, at times sounds like he is reading off cue cards most the movie adding forced emotion an weird timing on his delivery of lines. Everytime Christopher Eccleston (James McCullen/Destro) speaks you find yourself laughing at the over the top accent he places on the character. Ultimately the best acting is done by Snake Eyes (Ray Park) who doesn't even have one line through the movie because of his vow of silence which is some what horribly told in his "back story".
The Rise of the Cobra "ATTEMPTS" at making its characters have heart felt emotional back stories leading to who they are today, but these flash backs that flaunt themselves throughout the movie make you laugh at how poorly and generically written these back stories are. Even the two main ones Duke and Snake eyes make you laugh, Duke and his stiff acting makes it a comedy scene because I'm thinking Channing Tatum is the Tin Man he has no heart, and throughout Snake Eyes back story your thinking "OMG THAT'S THE KID FROM TROPIC THUNDER"making you replace the horrible lines he is saying with the great ones from Tropic Thunder.
On the plus side G.I. Joe had plenty of action, some nice violence, things that go BOOM, beautiful ladies in leather, and advanced weapons OH and cameo by Brendan Fraser.
But when the 1980's cartoon show has better voice acting then these actors portrayed in this live action rendition someone or some department made a big opps I just hope if they continue on with the next two sequels they bring in new life to the project, that might know something about good fantasy action films. Because Knowing is Half the Battle.
Directed by: Stephen Sommers(The Mummy 1&2)
G.I. Joe: The Rise of the Cobra was suppose to be a thrill ride of excitement filled of action and set the stage for a few sequels to pop out after. But all we received was tons of CGJ action, stiff acting performances and as generic as generic can be in an action script just with G.I. Joe Character names. Well at least we received the years funniest comedy.
G.I. Joe opens in France 1694 which made me confused and wondering "Am I screening the right Film?" We see a Scottish man being held accountable for a crime of double dealing in selling arms, and the French with horrible accents are making him pay for his trickery, by wielding a metal mask on his face that he must wear for the rest of his life. Then the movie flashes forward with the words "IN THE NOT SO DISTANT FUTURE" making me think "Wait not so distant future from France 1694 or our current time so lost, oh wait cool buildings and taxi's must be NOT SO DISTANT FUTURE for our time." Already this opening scene of "here is some cool back story" has failed miserably and just makes you feel confused.
In this NOT SO DISTANT FUTURE, leading arms maker James McCullen (cough cough) played by Christopher Eccleston has made a new weapon "nanotechnology" which when deployed could take down a whole city by eating metal and as far as I could tell anything it touches. He sells these war heads to NATO, "why they want them I have no clue?" But this is where we meet Duke (Channing Tatum) and Ripchord (Marlon Waynes).
As these two combat ready soldiers take the war heads to NATO they are attacked by the Baroness (Sienna Miller) and a fight scene takes place with hummers blowing up and the Baroness side taking names over Duke and Ripchord due to their advanced weaponry (cough cough). Finally this other unnamed group shows up to save Duke and Ripchord leading us to find out there is a secert team made up of the best of the best soldiers from all countries G.I. Joes.
When then finally get to meet Hawk (Dennis Quaid) which I was hoping would start some spark in the mediocre acting at best, but well it just made it worse. With Quaid adding a stiff, stiff performance making the scenes almost comically, especially the scene where Quaid forcefully threw in the motto of "Knowing is half the battle".
The Rise of the Cobra continues to drag on for 2 hours and 10 miens, the whole time you find yourself laughing at the ridged dialog, shotty special effects, and OVER THE TOP GENERIC PLOT TWIST;which all can be solved with in the first 20 minutes.
The acting throughout The Rise of the Cobra is pitiful and you find yourself laughing at the most serious of scenes. Channing Tatum who plays Duke, at times sounds like he is reading off cue cards most the movie adding forced emotion an weird timing on his delivery of lines. Everytime Christopher Eccleston (James McCullen/Destro) speaks you find yourself laughing at the over the top accent he places on the character. Ultimately the best acting is done by Snake Eyes (Ray Park) who doesn't even have one line through the movie because of his vow of silence which is some what horribly told in his "back story".
The Rise of the Cobra "ATTEMPTS" at making its characters have heart felt emotional back stories leading to who they are today, but these flash backs that flaunt themselves throughout the movie make you laugh at how poorly and generically written these back stories are. Even the two main ones Duke and Snake eyes make you laugh, Duke and his stiff acting makes it a comedy scene because I'm thinking Channing Tatum is the Tin Man he has no heart, and throughout Snake Eyes back story your thinking "OMG THAT'S THE KID FROM TROPIC THUNDER"making you replace the horrible lines he is saying with the great ones from Tropic Thunder.
On the plus side G.I. Joe had plenty of action, some nice violence, things that go BOOM, beautiful ladies in leather, and advanced weapons OH and cameo by Brendan Fraser.
But when the 1980's cartoon show has better voice acting then these actors portrayed in this live action rendition someone or some department made a big opps I just hope if they continue on with the next two sequels they bring in new life to the project, that might know something about good fantasy action films. Because Knowing is Half the Battle.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
The Hurt Locker Review
The Hurt Locker
Directed by Kathryn Bigelow
The Hurt Locker from the start pulls every emotion you could ever want tugged on throughout an evening at a movie; laughter, fear, tension, sadness, and anxiety. The Hurt locker places you in the minds of a U.S. Army Explosive Ordinance Disposal Unit(EOD) and tosses you unto the streets of Iraq where danger could be under any innocent looking mans shirt walking past you. Jeremy Renner(28 weeks later) plays the newly appointed replacement EOD leader of Delta group located in Iraq where just a few days ago. Co-star Anthony Mackie(8 mile, Notorious) who plays another member of Delta lost their beloved original group leader.
The Hurt Locker goes on, to portray Jeremy Renner to be a loose cannon and a crazed adrenaline junkie; through many heart stopping and jaw dropping scenes. If one pays close attention they will be able to tell just how well this movie was shot. How every intense scene is pulled off, due to the amazing effort and thought used by Kathryn Bigelow. The Hurt Locker with all its heart pounding action will have you laughing at how insane the job of an EOD really is and it will have audiences squirm with excitement at the many hair raising jaw dropping experiences Delta group face.
But underlying these thrilling moments of intensity lays a true story of a real job, a real war, and real emotions. Like every good war movie the writer, actors, and director try to show the emotions of the soldiers and what they had to go through in the time of war. Where other war movies fail to show this The Hurt Locker picks up the physiological card and runs it to and through the finish line. The audience falls witness to three men who are thrown into the craziest part of a war the most deadliest job and shown how these three men deal with being in a war. The Hurt Locker shows the true physiological effects of war, it shows how these soldiers break down and how each individual handles his emotional break downs different. The Hurt Locker captures how the human mind and body weren't built as war machines and almighty killing machines, this film shows how humans break; even the toughest of our kind can't handle everything.
Built off amazing acting a well written script and a caring touch of the camera The Hurt Locker is the best dramatization of the Iraq War known to date. If you are seeking thrills, some laughs, and a movie that will have you gain new respect for our soldiers placed in this war The Hurt Locker is for you.
This is the type of movie that sneaks up on you with how good it is, and you don't realize just how amazing it is until the final scene rolls off the screen.
Directed by Kathryn Bigelow
The Hurt Locker from the start pulls every emotion you could ever want tugged on throughout an evening at a movie; laughter, fear, tension, sadness, and anxiety. The Hurt locker places you in the minds of a U.S. Army Explosive Ordinance Disposal Unit(EOD) and tosses you unto the streets of Iraq where danger could be under any innocent looking mans shirt walking past you. Jeremy Renner(28 weeks later) plays the newly appointed replacement EOD leader of Delta group located in Iraq where just a few days ago. Co-star Anthony Mackie(8 mile, Notorious) who plays another member of Delta lost their beloved original group leader.
The Hurt Locker goes on, to portray Jeremy Renner to be a loose cannon and a crazed adrenaline junkie; through many heart stopping and jaw dropping scenes. If one pays close attention they will be able to tell just how well this movie was shot. How every intense scene is pulled off, due to the amazing effort and thought used by Kathryn Bigelow. The Hurt Locker with all its heart pounding action will have you laughing at how insane the job of an EOD really is and it will have audiences squirm with excitement at the many hair raising jaw dropping experiences Delta group face.
But underlying these thrilling moments of intensity lays a true story of a real job, a real war, and real emotions. Like every good war movie the writer, actors, and director try to show the emotions of the soldiers and what they had to go through in the time of war. Where other war movies fail to show this The Hurt Locker picks up the physiological card and runs it to and through the finish line. The audience falls witness to three men who are thrown into the craziest part of a war the most deadliest job and shown how these three men deal with being in a war. The Hurt Locker shows the true physiological effects of war, it shows how these soldiers break down and how each individual handles his emotional break downs different. The Hurt Locker captures how the human mind and body weren't built as war machines and almighty killing machines, this film shows how humans break; even the toughest of our kind can't handle everything.
Built off amazing acting a well written script and a caring touch of the camera The Hurt Locker is the best dramatization of the Iraq War known to date. If you are seeking thrills, some laughs, and a movie that will have you gain new respect for our soldiers placed in this war The Hurt Locker is for you.
This is the type of movie that sneaks up on you with how good it is, and you don't realize just how amazing it is until the final scene rolls off the screen.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Something at work really bothered me, as I worked the concession stand a lady came up and bought a Unlimited pop and popcorn refill combo;which is good she is saving money and it is a lot of food. After she completed her payment she says I'm hungry I didn't eat lunch, OK great! But the lady came back 7 times later each time she repeated the statement I didn't have lunch I'm starving! I don't believe this was a matter of she was hungry I just believe she doesn't know what the word moderation means; like most people, even i don't follow that word sometimes. But you can't just justify the fact that you had 8 buckets of popcorn by saying you didn't have lunch that worked the first two times!
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