Michael Guglielmucci, many Christians know this man by name, either through his songs with the well known worship band Hillsong or through the recent heart breaking news of his addiction to porn. I know I'm behind on the times but God really has touched my heart with this matter. For those of you that don't know Michael was a worship pastor who we believed was growing sick from cancer, and he showed signs loss of weight, loss of hair and at one point he was on an oxygen tank. Towards the end of this calamity Michael wrote a song entitled Healer, which made millions of dollars and sent their record sky rocketing, because Christians believe this man was dying of cancer and this was his song. Soon Michael came forth and out of the blue said his cancer sickness was a lie and he had been addicted to porn from early adult hood. Christians were in an outrage that this worship pastor had lied to them and wanted their money back from the false hood of this song they bought. But I guess I see this subject differently. Why are Christians up in arms over this have you never lied? Yes this was a lie that made millions, but all lies are of equal value. Instead of bashing and slamming this struggling Christian, Christians should of been more in touch with this song, and uplifting this struggling man. Is that not what Christ would have done. We should be weeping over this man, and praying daily for his recovery. Porn addiction owns so many males and females hearts, why should we be bashing this brother we should empower him through Christ uplift him, and this song should bring even a great meaning to our hearts. I believe that Michael Guglielmucci is a hero yes he lied, but he came out of it and admitted it to the whole world and his family. We all should take a page from Michael Guglielmucci's book, release that strain and weight that is laying on your heart and offer it to God for your recovery.
I hope you all enjoy my thoughts and theories thank you for reading!
About Me

- T.S. Graham
- I'm in my third year of college and I have no direction! I also have found if I use my first name initial and my middle initial then my full last name people think I'm a literary genius.
Monday, October 26, 2009
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